South Main Youth

We offer classes for all our children as well as nursery services for children from birth through the end of their kindergarten year of school. It is our desire to create a biblical atmosphere in which your children can learn to worship the Lord.

“Let the little Children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

What is our Purpose?
Our purpose is to partner with parents to equip the NEXT Generation to know and love Jesus Christ. We accomplish this task by focusing on teaching biblical truth to the hearts of children.

How do we accomplish our purpose?
Throughout the year we offer Sunday School, South Main Youth/Kids (Wednesday night services), Nursery, VBS, and many other events specifically designed to help parents disciple their kids.

How can you get involved?
As a parent, you can take up your role to disciple your children through family worship, scripture memory, and the Bible teaching of the different programs we offer.
As a volunteer, you can come alongside parents by teaching the Scriptures to children and helping in the different programs as your gifts allow.